'On March 24, husband and wife Kelley Menighan (Emily) and Jon Hensley (Holden) rang the NASDAQ opening bell to help
promote their favorite charity, The March of Dimes.
Kelley explained, "The NASDAQ is an advertising tool that they offer to charities and other groups. I had a funny feeling
that, with Jon being such an avid day-trader, it would be a secret little dream of his, to help ring the opening bell. It
was quite an honor to be asked to do that."
The March of Dimes recently launched a five-year campaign for the prevention of premature births. Every day, more than
1,305 babies in the U.S. arrive too soon. These premature babies can suffer lifelong consequences, such as mental retardation,
chronic lung disease, cerebral palsy and blindness. Pre-maturity is the leading cause of newborn death.
"MOD approached me back when I was pregnant with (son) Spencer to do some events for them," Kelley recalled. "Which
was great, because I was 'with belly' and already had my four-year-old, Sophie May, who thankfully was a very healthy baby.
I just felt like it was what I was supposed to do at that time. It was like a calling, outside of my work and my children,
something that I had the ability to spread the word about. I've been doing appearances for MOD for the last year and a half."
Kelley and Jon's next appearance on behalf of March of Dimes will be at its primary fund-raiser, WalkAmerica, in New
York City on Sunday, April 27, 2003. The Walk starts at 9AM (check-in at 8AM) at Lincoln Center, 62nd and Columbus Avenue.
It is approximately six miles.
And, to help them along, Kelley and Jon have assembled an entire ATWT team, including Michael Park (Jack), Martha Byrne
(Lily/Rose), Lesli Kay (Molly), Jessica Dunphy (Alison), Bailey Chase (Chris) and Peyton List (Lucy). Kelley would love it
if their fans would turn out and walk too but, if you can't and would just like to sponsor the ATWT team, you can let Kelley
know by e-mailing her through the SoapCity Web site and then sending your check to March of Dimes, writing ATWT Team on the memo line.
WalkAmerica will be in 1,100 communities throughout the country, and hopes to raise $94 million to help every baby
get a healthy start.'